Sound Medicine has been used in healing for over 5000 years by Indians. Therapist use Vibrations of scientifically created IASH Healing Grade Singing Bowls which enables patients to go into deeply altered states (Alpha-Theta) in which Healing is stimulated. The external vibrations of the tapped bowl cause the cells to resonate. From here the sound waves spread everywhere since the body consists of more than 70% water; and water is a great conductor of sound and vibration. The sound waves (like the waves from a stone thrown into a pond) spread in concentric rings larger and larger circles through the blood, flesh, organs and bones, relaxing them and at the same time harmonizing and energizing them. When the Therapist place and activates the bowls on or around the body, the nervous system, which is in continuous communication with every cell in the body allows billions & billions of cells in the body start to vibrate and reorganize themselves according to divine blue print, in a state of healthy being.

In this way, the more than 100 trillion cells, the building blocks of the human body, are receiving a gentle cleansing massage. Think of it as being similar to what happens when you put jewelry or dentures into a supersonic bath. In a short time, all the dirt comes loose. Or envision sound waves (like the waves from a stone thrown into a pond) spread in concentric rings into larger and larger circles through the blood, flesh, organs, and bones, relaxing them and at the same time harmonizing and energizing them. These special vibrations are soothing enough to calm the nerves, yet penetrating enough to reach the marrow of the bones! The sound vibrations of IASH singing bowls, designed for healing, are very powerful but yet gentle enough to work with emotional, physical illness and release energy blockages from body, mind, and spirit. Many clients feel relief from pain and tension the first time they receive treatment, for others it takes a few more sessions before they perceive a profound change.

Potential Benefits of Sound Medicine:

stress reduction

decreased anxiety and depression

improved memory

pain reduction

reduced blood pressure

lower cholesterol

decreased risk of heart disease and stroke